Every person on this earth was destined to fulfill a purpose. Every one was sent here to

A natural question arises, ‘Why are only the very few – women as well as men -successful in life? What does success actually mean? Does it mean same thing to all? Then why does it not come to all naturally and equally?
The first law “ FIX THE RIGHT GOAL’’

The second law “PREPARATION’’
Having decided where to reaches one must then know how to reach there. Educating oneself or preparing for the fixed goal is thus the next big thing. The necessary know how must be in our possession so that we may easily reach the place of our destination. This may in fact involve deep and focused study of the goal itself as well as the means.
The third law ‘’GOOD HEALTH’’

The fourth law ‘’THE DRIVE’’
A half hearted attempt may take you a little way toward your goal but it will never get you far enough to reach it. You may have seen that the executive head of a fast growing, successful organization not only drives himself but also those under him. He puts a magical spell on all those who have been working under him, constantly getting deep in to the project on which they have been working.
The fifth law ’’RESOURSEFULNESS’’
Your path to your goal may be blocked by complications, obstacles, unexpected circumstances but you must not give it up in any case. Instead you must meet these obstacles with your resourcefulness, your ever readiness to solve any problem midway. For this you have to be a really cool guy with a clear mind, a cool mind, rapid thinking and a sound knowledge. With an ability to take quick decisions.
The sixth law ‘’PERSEVERENCE’’
Perseverance precisely means that stick-to-it-iveness which causes you always to think about

The last but not the least, have faith in the Almighty. Seek His Blessings the divine guidance and the continuous help from that superpower that guides and controls our destinies.
So these are the seven wonderful laws of SUCCESS. Give them a try. Best of luck.
M.M. Kaushik Cartoons & Photos by Chande
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